How Do I Create A Fund?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

Creating a fund is simple.  You can begin the process by sending an email to the Gift Planning team or by calling the Foundation at 336.882.3298.  Amanda Bennett will guide you through a simple process based on your charitable goals and objectives.

Is There A Minimum Size For A Fund?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

Yes, the minimum amount to start a fund is $7,500

What Can I Name My Fund?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

Many donors use their family name for their fund. You may prefer a name that is representative of the types of programs you want to support, or you may choose a name for the fund that preserves your anonymity.

What Kind Of Assets Will You Accept?2023-12-15T14:21:55+00:00

The Foundation can accept many types of assets including cash, publicly traded securities, closely held and restricted stock, real estate, and life insurance policies.  It is our policy to quickly convert to cash. Contact Amanda Bennett for more specific information 336.882.3298. A copy of the Foundation’s Gift Acceptance Policy is available upon request.

Can I Get A Refund On Any Gifts?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

All gifts represent an irrevocable contribution and are not refundable.

How Do I Make A Disbursement From My Fund?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

Complete a Donor Advised Form and we will be working on your advisement right away.  Or contact Amanda Bennett directly 336.882.3298.

Who Can Make Grants From A Donor Advised Fund?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

Throughout your lifetime, you may recommend grants from your fund. You may also designate (on your DAF agreement) your spouse, child, or another member of your family to make advisements.

Where Will My Funds Be Invested?2020-05-06T22:15:11+00:00

If you start a Donor Advised Fund with less than $250,000, your money will be pooled with SEI, a leading asset manager with more than 475 clients worldwide, as our Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) to maximize the foundation’s investment assets. As a donor, you will greatly benefit from this strategic partnership.

If you open a fund and maintain a balance of $250,000, you have the option of investing your money with one of our preferred partners.  To learn more details call our office 336.882.3298.

How are scholarship decisions made?2021-11-30T18:44:37+00:00

The donor is required to assemble a committee where the majority of the committee cannot be family related. The committee makes all final decision on the recipient of the scholarship.

How do I create a fund?2021-11-30T18:53:26+00:00

Creating a fund is simple. You can begin the process by sending an email to the Director of Donor Services or by calling the Foundation at 336.882.3298. Amanda Bennett will guide you through a simple process based on your charitable goals and objectives.

How are payouts made for scholarships?2021-11-30T18:48:15+00:00

The Foundation pays scholarship grants directly to the educational institution for the use of the scholarship recipient.

What expenses qualify for scholarship?2021-11-18T20:02:09+00:00

Tuition and fees for enrollment and attendance. Course-related expenses – fees, books, supplies, and equipment required of all students for courses of instruction.

Is there a minimum size for a fund?2021-11-30T18:49:21+00:00

Yes, the minimum amount to start a scholarship fund is $25,000.

What do private foundation rules require, and how should community foundations apply the rules?2021-11-30T18:51:08+00:00

Private foundation rules further provide that people charged with selecting scholarship recipients must not be in a position to derive an economic benefit, directly or indirectly, from the scholarship process. In general, relatives of applicants should not serve on committees that will consider these requests for aid. However, there may be circumstances in which it is impossible to avoid a conflict (when a scholarship committee is required to include the principal of the local high school and she has a son who’s a terrific candidate for the award). The community foundation should attempt to spot such conflicts in advance and adopt policies to resolve them (for example, allowing the principal to recuse herself from voting that year so that her child can be eligible).

Private foundations have a duty to monitor the spending of the grant and ensure that it was used for a charitable purpose.

Can I set up a scholarship to benefit someone specific to the fund holder (family member, friend, colleague)?2021-11-18T20:03:28+00:00

No. Federal regulation does not allow that.

May a scholarship fund be established through a donor advised fund?2021-11-30T18:54:43+00:00

No. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 prohibits grants to individuals from a donor advised fund.

Is the High Point Community Foundation a 501(c)3?2024-07-08T15:33:42+00:00

Yes, the High Point Community Foundation is a 501(c)3.

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